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You buy the Stock becouse the 5 %dividend ?
Becouse i dont think this Stock will go up Long term
What is your opinion ?
@salvo89ari Not necessarily buying because of the 5% dividend. But in my opinion this stock is cheap at the moment looking at the future and current earnings. Why do you think it won't grow long term? In my opinion I think there is enough opportunity to grow long term. Just like $PEP $KO $BN $K etc. They are in the same market but with a way higher P/E ratio.
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Look AT the Charts from Heinz after so Many years?
Allways down
Is my opinion
But i will Look the the balance sheet
It was allways cheap bro
@salvo89ari luckily i’m not here to convince you. Thanks for your view on $KHC
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Of course bro
Just opinion
Take care and good invest bro !
Maybe i will buy to
It was allways in my watchlist Heinz
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@salvo89ari not saying that it will rise much in the next years, but they managed to pay back credits and reduce goodwill depreciation and succesfully increased the prices. They will also do a large share buy-back, for like 4(?)billion. I think about maybe 1-3% growth p/a in the next 5years. The dividend is also pretty solid.