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As always, Getquin may not put the pictures where they should be. I hope you enjoy reading it anyway
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@topicswithhead Now you're complaining for the third time, but you haven't even marked @Kundenservice.
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@GoDividend I'm not complaining, just letting the readers know. Apart from that, there's a new bug here every week and I've lost the desire to say anything about it
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@GoDividend but while you're at it the @ sign doesn't work on my mobile devices. The selection is behind the keyboard, for whatever reason
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@topicswithhead also known😉
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@GoDividend did you at least like the lower part of the article or did you not read it at all😂
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@topicswithhead not in the portfolio-> not read
I steer clear of such stocks
Enough if they are represented in the Etf
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@GoDividend As a DBS employee, I already know what I can get you and Simpson to read. I can also publish more about that
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@topicswithhead You have also seriously neglected that
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@GoDividend the monkeys also have lousy IR services. On all the sites where I get my information they are not available or always a quarter behind
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@GoDividend the article is finished and is much more detailed than the others. Collecting information and writing is 1:20 hours with breaks and co