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Where are you shifting to?
What is the target?
How do you decide whether a share is worth buying?
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@JonathanPeachum As I have many REIT positions, I am currently trying to minimize risk and invest in different areas.

Personally, I think the share is undervalued. The figures are right and the company focuses not only on oil, gas, petrochemicals, etc. but also on renewable energies.
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@Divcat_ But you have taken the expense of the Italian withholding tax into account?
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@KevinE I have replaced a Canadian Reit, so in this case it remains "the same".
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@JonathanPeachum Did you get your taxes back? I've always avoided it so far because I don't really want to pay tax on my money, but I also don't want to invest a lot of time in any applications. Switzerland is supposed to be uncomplicated - but I use an ETF for everything.
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@Divcat_ Don't you find the long-term performance somehow off-putting?
It feels like a sideways movement with an announcement
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@JonathanPeachum Turnover is good, free cash flow is good. In addition, you can't do without fossil fuels, which is why I'm not worried. After all, ENI is not a small company either.

Such companies are currently only suffering from politics, but other times will come next year at the latest.