
Then I will also start to overweight the Japanese market - first tranche.

@GoDividend 🥴 Unfortunately, I have not yet had the time to familiarize myself with individual stocks... but maybe it will come.

At least I have now started with Japanese chocolate specialties 🤣...Royce is unfortunately not on the stock exchange, otherwise that would be my favorite.

Vanguard FTSE Japan ETF logo
Acquistato a 29,80 €
8 Commenti

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Why overweight? Japan has catastrophic demographics and numerous structural problems. 🧐 Of course, there are a few very good individual stocks.
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Bon appetite, 🚀 hopefully does not give heartburn
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In line with the "hype" Trade Republic now has some new Japan stocks in the savings plan offer. So far I had only a small part invested in the Nikkei 225 as an ETF (yes, am aware of the strange structure of the index 😂). Am now strongly considering whether I Itochu $8001 (what else 😂) by savings plan include in the depot. In addition, I am still looking for a second value and have Keyence $6861 strongly in focus.
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