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Hi folks,

I have a few questions and would like to hear your opinion.

1. am I still looking for an ETF that pays out Feb/May/Aug/Nov/. I was looking at the $ZPRG (-0,06%) and the $FGEQ (+0,85%)

Are there any others that you can recommend? Or which one do you tend to favor?

2. does it make sense to hold on to both Stoxx Etfs?

I'm thinking of simply switching the Stoxx Global (as TER higher, Div lower...)

22.769,47 €
9 Commenti

I'm a fan of $QYLE... monthly dividend.
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When I started researching ETFs in Switzerland, the $FGEQ wasn't on the SIX, so I opted for $ZPRG and I stuck to it. FGEQ is great and outperformed the ZPRG the past 4 Years but you never know the future, so I'm still sticking to the ZPRG that holds good companies.
I would not sell any off the stoxx funds, they are both fine. Just stop invrsting in one and start investing in another one. Selling brings costs (and in Germany perhaps also taxes, but I don't know your situation, so you have to look at that yourself)
Re 1: this makes even less sense with ETFs than with shares.

Re 2: the two are based on different indices, aren't they?
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