Opinione per $GOOGL, $AAPL, $MSFT, $OPRA

Google is known to the masses for its search engine - and of course Google Chrome, the browser. The more people use the browser, the better, of course, for the group's reach in various respects. 🤝

I know from earlier otherwise Mozilla Firefox, which I do not use for ages. Since 2018, Google Chrome's competitor has also been steadily losing users. At the end of 2018, there were still 244 million active (monthly) users - now there are 198 million. Almost 20% less. However, Chrome simply has an advantage now and then in the possibilities and everyone who uses the Google search engine, Chrome is also suggested. 😎

According to statistics from Statista, the market shares for browsers currently (not quite, May 2021 :D) look like this:

Chrome: 68.32% (constant) - Alphabet

Safari: 9.77 % (increasing) - Apple

Firefox: 7.36 % (losing)

Edge: 8.02 % (strongly increasing) - Micrsoft

Opera: 2.61 % (slightly increasing) - Opera

Internet Explorer: 1.48 % (losing drastically)

The development behind always refers to the last 2 years. 👍🏼

Do you have Alphabet, Apple, Microsoft or maybe even Opera in your portfolio? 😊🤝

12 Commenti

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Überliege in Alphabet ein zusteigen, but they are so great run and relative high!
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Apple and Microsoft are in the portfolio. I would also like Alphabet, but the price.....
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I already have Apple and Microsoft, and I have a savings plan for Alphabet.
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Apple, Microsoft and Alphabet all as a savings plan
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