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Where does the assumption come from that ESG-filtered ETFs have worse returns than the unfiltered ones. In recent years, the opposite has been true, as tech stocks have been considered "clean", stayed in, and driven performance. Example:,IE00BZ02LR44,LU1291108642
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@randomdude well, with the same logic with which a randomly selected portfolio can outperform the overall market.
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@leveragegrinding If you say that any portfolio has what it takes to outperform, you cannot at the same time claim that ESG filtering generally leads to underperformance.
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@randomdude I am not claiming either one or the other, only that a randomly mixed etf makes little sense from an outperformance point of view.
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@leveragegrinding How else to understand your opening statement "ESG makes no sense from a return perspective" other than that filtering leads to underperformance? If it didn't matter, there would be no need to mention it and no one would complain about outperformance. Basically, the point is a smokescreen - at least I haven't heard anyone serious claim that ESG leads to outperformance.
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@randomdude As I said, outperformance in recent years has had its reasons, but whether it will stay that way remains to be seen.
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@randomdude can not really understand what you mean, we represent the same point of view?