27 Commenti

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It's amazing when you consider that it was still at €151,00 in 2021.
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Sorry, but somehow I don't quite understand this.
Firstly, that shareholders of a company can be expropriated by it at all, shouldn't some residual value be paid, and secondly, what framework conditions must be in place for such a thing.
Can someone perhaps help me and clarify this?
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Wow, I didn't know that was allowed. Learned something new again
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it was already clear around two weeks ago that the existing shareholders would go away empty-handed with both rescue concepts.
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I read something earlier that Porsche, as a major customer, is supporting varta with a large investment!
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Sorry but as with Leoni and that was to be expected with an anchor shareholder
You can't even sell them at TR anymore. What should you do now if you want to put them in the loss-making pot?
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