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It rises because it rises.
And it falls because it falls.

Wait, let me throw on the crystal ball: In exactly 18 revolutions of the sun, the NASDAQ will fall by one Mercury.
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@TimoBrod Please be more specific. Do we use the sidereal rotation period of 25.38 days for the rotation of the sun or the synodic rotation period of 27.28 days?
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@Mcl1991 That clearly depends on where you are geographically. Only you can answer that for yourself
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@TimoBrod It gets complicated... I often get stuck too much in the world of getquin. But much more often on earth 🌎. However, I often feel like I'm on the planet of the apes 🦧🦍🐒
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@TimoBrod How long does it take when I'm sitting in front of the Pennymarkt in Köthen?
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@Heisenberg2107 please provide geographical coordinates, anything else would be too imprecise
@TimoBrod Please ask for more wit in the joke, because it cannot be localized exactly.
@TimoBrod and...who was right? 😜