
Second $BTC (+0,82%) partial sale

My profits remain invested. It was important to me to get my investment back out of cryptos.

Now I don't care whether it falls or rises another 100%. In future, I will always enter with a small position from time to time, and as soon as it is beaten down again, I will cover my position.

The profit may flow into $J36 (-0,06%) or into another position.

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Venduto x0,007524 a 66.450,78 €
500,00 €
52 Commenti

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Let's be honest...
Who cares about that?
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Yes nice but 500€ sorry ... better look to get a lot more money into it !!! Let's go !!! Allin Sell your car
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Why should you sell Bitcoin now?
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Much too early😂😂
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Another clairvoyant who will cry later because BTC won't be "beaten down" after all.
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Like many beginners, unfortunately: limit profits, let losses run🙃
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I don't understand, why are you selling now if you want to buy again? Then you might as well just let it go. 🤔 Who guarantees you that it will go down, and above all, that when you buy again, it will go up again and not just keep going down. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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Understandable strategy. I still want to sell. But it's really not a good time to pull out the stake.
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If you're not there now, you'll be there in 10 years' time.

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