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I am a human being and therefore consist of a rational and an emotional part. My rational part has decided to invest 80% in ETFs. My emotional 20% in crypto, shares and bonds. For me as a beginner, it is simply interesting to see how the different assets work and react to changes. At the same time, it gives me emotional satisfaction when I have an asset that flies to the moon and I can be happy about it with others. And if it goes the other way, then I'm happy that I've only invested so little. Only etf would simply be too boring for me. And it offers me too few points of contact to engage with companies, countries or projects in a sustainable way. The stock market also gives you an insight into the state of other systems. Because the value of the assets is not one-dimensionally dependent on the economy, but is multi-dimensionally linked to everything. That's why the Etf only shows me how things are going globally as a whole, but the individual assets show me how things are currently going in certain countries, sectors, industries, companies, commodities, etc. This gives me incentives to invest. This gives me an incentive to take a closer look and gives me a better overall overview of what is happening in the world.
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@Renditedichter Thank you for the detailed answer! It shows very nicely that most people here are probably not concerned with returns at all.
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@Epi almost like a ki generated text, but nice that he described it in such detail