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I can see that people in the USA are prepared to pay high prices for coffee. However, I can't make an investment in this area because I don't understand the market conditions.
Maybe it's also because I've never had a coffee there, but why should I pay so much money for it?
We are also seeing more and more competitors entering the market, but only three quarters of them survive.
To summarize, Starbucks seems to be a brand whose coffee is in demand by customers.
However, I am concerned about how the brand can be sustained in the long term. In China, business has become increasingly difficult for Starbucks. In addition, the Chinese government is generally unwilling to allow business from the USA. In the USA and Europe, on the other hand, Starbucks is still doing relatively well. However, strong brands such as Coffee Fellow and more are also becoming increasingly visible here. The market is very competitive, so I don't believe that Starbucks is as valuable as the share price currently suggests.
However, people often see something different, so what have I not understood?
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Starbucks will remain in my portfolio for the long term, even if it is currently weakening somewhat.

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