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Put the entire amount into the ETF! Once you have gained your first experience on the stock market and have educated yourself further, you can still invest in individual shares.
This will make you sweat less when things get a little rougher on the stock market 😉
@Sansebastian all right, thank you. ☺️
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@Sansebastian I agree. Start by investing in ETFs up to at least €10k, preferably €20k. Gain initial experience, observe the market.

Then, if you absolutely have to, you can read up on the subject (fundamental and technical analysis) and try individual stocks.
However, if you want to succeed, this will take a lot of time. My wife has the $VWRL at 100%, I am 1.6% p.a. ahead - with a lot of fun and about 10-15h / week "effort" (hobby). The question is whether it's worth it...