First of all, thank you for the excellent, if still rather superficial, analysis of Nintendo. I have spent about 200h with Nintendo and can gladly put a little summary here with the time. To the stock split, because it is current: the Japanese can buy shares so far only in a bundle of 100, at a price of over 400€ that hurts already. That's why it was made more shareholder friendly and actually makes a bigger difference than if now an American company just wants to make its share price seem more attractive. I see some opportunities in this very Japanese run company, with Illumination all the characters can finally be brought to the big screen, series & movies are possible, in April we'll see the 2nd Mario movie, the trailers already look promising. Then the Pokémon shares, Nintendo probably holds ~33% in one of the most famous brands in the world. The Switch is the core product and the approach is a whole new one, they apparently no longer want to bring a new console every few years on the market, where you then have to win new customers again, but is currently building an Apple-like atmosphere, its own ecosystem with online store and only new generations of the well-known handhelds. The games remain in the media library and can be played directly with the score, in addition, this offers the opportunity to bring well-known game developers to a great platform, of course, the whole thing must switch to HD, so that it is worthwhile for all sides. (By the way, the Switch has now been sold over 110 million times and due to chip shortages, you can not say exactly where the limit is upwards, the warehouses are full according to reports, presumably for the next Switch generation). Hm, one more point: about half of all games sold still runs with packaging and shipping, while the online business is much more profitable, here alone you can further expand its fantastic profit margin. (I can give you some numbers on request) (Here you can also talk about the price stability, the consoles/games are almost never reduced and keep their value constant. - more or less) The Metaverse is a potential future source of revenue, although here is not yet invested, only if's works for others. And last but not least: Most games are intended for the xBox & Playstation, but about a Switch you actually never argue. if you want to have this experience at home to share with family or friends, then there's nothing against having it next to your xBox/Playstation, plus you can take it along wonderfully on trips and vacations or to an evening with family, new & old acquaintances, I myself have even witnessed that someone took his Switch professionally and then a bunch of men & women sat in a hotel lobby and played Mario Kart together.
•@Gerit no offense but I thought that was totally off. you say but nem marathon runner at the finish line also not "super run but I've been running much longer than you, look how much faster I am" There's no help if you say that super friendly 😬 Just make your own analysis and then is hornier also ok 👍
@Iwant_money_423 pity that you have taken it so. Should simply be an addition to the community here, someone who likes the long text of him and also informatively useful, has more of a comment like mine, than from a comment like yours. :) I'm also new here and wanted to contribute a little, to most companies I can not say anything, not even to the better known. It just hit exactly what I could contribute and did it without thinking.^^
@Gerit so I also often have my Switch with me including 6 controllers, if I know that I'm coming to a larger construction site, then there's mario kart and bottled beer in the hotel room every evening 😁 Write but also times a Analyse✌️
@Iwant_money_423 Thanks. 🚀 I cordially invite @Gerit to present his own analysis if my almost 6,000-word analysis on a free shareholder platform is too superficial for him. However, I find it even more interesting who likes his comment. Also to the people involved my advice: First deliver, then complain. No complaint advice.
•@BASS-T I think he did not want to attack you personally, everyone who is here longer on the platform, knows the quality of your analyses. The more disturbs me just this kindergarten witch hunt under the post... Should actually all adults people are
@Der_Dividenden_Monteur I am accused of superficiality and therefore I would like to refer to that. You're right - we're all adults. So I'm just asking him to deliver. If @Gerit can do that, then great. I make no claim to 100% "perfect" work. Seriously, I'm very interested to see how he goes about it and how he assesses the market. I say that in a non-judgmental way. If I wasn't looking for discussion here, my posts would be on a blog post without a comment function, but that wouldn't help me or anyone else. I can also only control what I reply to here. Parts of the community have found it arrogant and out of place, as I have, and may have become a bit more direct than I. My request: When criticizing, be specific and don't just throw "superficial" into the room. Then I can do more with the criticism. So I only know that my post is apparently not accurate enough for him plus a number of qualitative reflections on Nintendo's product management. What exactly he missed now, I don't know. You probably wouldn't feel much different about it. That's why I always write specifically what bothers me, so the criticism remains contentless without a starting point.
@BASS-T You are too nice. The hero didn't even deliver a coherent text and you seriously expect useful feedback from someone like that?
@LInvesting I could see from the presentations of the products and my own experiences that @Gerit is at least familiar with product management and parts of Nintendo's trends. If he can now also provide figures and analyze them, then that's an added benefit for the community. It was always clear to me that one day I would bring up a topic that someone here has occupied as an expert. That has already happened with my contributions to the dividend ETF, the BMW contribution or the biofuel discussion. Also the sociological discussion with TheRealAurora at the erotic industry counts to it. One must not always be of one opinion. But what separates these discussions from the now? As written above: The point of criticism. All other authors could name their points. This time it is not so. That makes it not really fulfilling for either side. Offtopic: We are in a community for adult investors here and I expect respectful treatment from all sides. For IQ 50 bawling I'm on other platforms unterwegs✌️ So now please all take each other's hand again and dance Tsatsiki okay?😁 (Yes I know - it's Tsirtaki) 💃🎶
Forgive me if the word "superficial" bothers you so much. You're absolutely right, we are here on a free platform and alone for that biggest thanks that you take the trouble to post such a contribution here.
Everyone has a different approach to the dinge ranzhenhen and you have your opinion yes called, "superficial" describes for me just exactly what you have delivered, it is exactly what one needs first, who does not like it, does not need to deal more deeply with the company, I do the same, first create a superficial picture and then dive into the individual topics, I should like what I see. I believe, however, that many investors then also directly take distance, often even from actually really great companies - like Nintendo. (Therefore a few insights into the Deep Dive) Here at getquin is in the comment line "Share your thoughts", I was yesterday really only registered here for a few minutes and just followed that and just wanted to share a few thoughts that I personally have been missing. (You have to see if people are interested before I post 6000 words here as well. Besides, as you know, such things take time, hence the small insight under the surface of Nintendo and what you can expect if you deal with it in detail). I'm rather deterred by the reaction of some here to put my analyses here in detail publicly. The added value of a community is to complement each other and together to leverage an idea with different perspectives, experiences & divided time. Not to praise an opinion (the effort of work) blindly. Of this we all have nothing, in the worst case you have a bunch of people who half did not understand and then also trades. We are all landed on the subject to earn money with it, if it's still enormous fun and fills the free time, so much the better. I am of the opinion that I have made a meaningful comment here and if you do not like it, then you do not need to comment on this. Maybe it helps someone who now deals with Nintendo thanks to your contribution. Because when I read a great post like yours and look in the comments, I find a few personal sentences from someone who has apparently also dealt more with it or because of me just a non-objective personal opinion - experiences that one has made, better than a stupid sentence "criticism". As I said, if my comment has brought even one / to deal more intensively with Nintendo now, I've contributed my part to the community. Would not have thought that I'm now sitting here in the car and have to give an "explanation". 😂
Forgive me if the word "superficial" bothers you so much. You're absolutely right, we are here on a free platform and alone for that biggest thanks that you take the trouble to post such a contribution here.
Everyone has a different approach to the dinge ranzhenhen and you have your opinion yes called, "superficial" describes for me just exactly what you have delivered, it is exactly what one needs first, who does not like it, does not need to deal more deeply with the company, I do the same, first create a superficial picture and then dive into the individual topics, I should like what I see. I believe, however, that many investors then also directly take distance, often even from actually really great companies - like Nintendo. (Therefore a few insights into the Deep Dive) Here at getquin is in the comment line "Share your thoughts", I was yesterday really only registered here for a few minutes and just followed that and just wanted to share a few thoughts that I personally have been missing. (You have to see if people are interested before I post 6000 words here as well. Besides, as you know, such things take time, hence the small insight under the surface of Nintendo and what you can expect if you deal with it in detail). I'm rather deterred by the reaction of some here to put my analyses here in detail publicly. The added value of a community is to complement each other and together to leverage an idea with different perspectives, experiences & divided time. Not to praise an opinion (the effort of work) blindly. Of this we all have nothing, in the worst case you have a bunch of people who half did not understand and then also trades. We are all landed on the subject to earn money with it, if it's still enormous fun and fills the free time, so much the better. I am of the opinion that I have made a meaningful comment here and if you do not like it, then you do not need to comment on this. Maybe it helps someone who now deals with Nintendo thanks to your contribution. Because when I read a great post like yours and look in the comments, I find a few personal sentences from someone who has apparently also dealt more with it or because of me just a non-objective personal opinion - experiences that one has made, better than a stupid sentence "criticism". As I said, if my comment has brought even one / to deal more intensively with Nintendo now, I've contributed my part to the community. Would not have thought that I'm now sitting here in the car and have to give an "explanation". 😂