
Hello all,

soon a legacy of my 'former' investments will expire. A certificate with Deka. I would like to use the sum invested there + return (approx. value of the current deposit) to have a diversified basis with an ETF in addition to my current portfolio.

Now I have the question which ETF you would recommend. In addition to my individual shares, I have about 13% of the $VHYG (+0,44%) in my portfolio and currently I am investing monthly in the $IWDA (+1,17%) and the $VWRL (+1,32%)

I would prefer to distribute the sum as a savings plan within 6 months on one (maximum 2) ETF.

Which ETF and which type of investment (one-time vs. savings plan) would you recommend?

Many greetings and a good start to the end of the day🐊

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