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What makes you unsure about the stocks you mentioned?
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@wolveee That the money would be better invested elsewhere and generate higher returns. Basically, these are all solid companies (Plug Power at the current level excluded) or whether it makes more sense to put the money into ETFs? Idk :-/
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@PhilSi96 you'll always get a higher return somewhere... if only you had... you can never tell in the end.
If you don't feel comfortable, then get rid of the ETF, but then don't moan when things go downhill.
If something bothers you, change it
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An alternative to Plug Power with a little hydrogen imagination would be
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Phew... let me try to help:
1. i don't like the weighting of the stocks (5000€ in Realty but only a few hundred euros in growth stocks like AMD or Meta)
2. as a general rule, you should sell or reallocate shares if you no longer feel comfortable with the share in your portfolio (because future prospects are poor, better alternatives, bad figures, etc.)

In principle, you can also ask yourself whether you would buy the share again

3. yes, there is a relatively high USA weighting... but you can't say too much or too little across the board, as everyone feels differently... personally, I am in favor of a relatively high USA weighting

4. for me AMD is the worse alternative to NVIDIA keyword CUDA (if you are a fan of NVIDIA anyway, in my opinion this is a bit double)

5. put everything in ETFs? You're not doing anything wrong with that... as always, it depends. Are you satisfied with roughly 7-9% per year? Do you want to beat the market? Do you actually enjoy shares and do you like investing in them? Of course, shares are also more risky, but they offer more potential

6 I would miss more diversification

I hope I was able to help a little, please feel free to ask :)
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@Tenbagger2024 Thank you :-) Would you realize the losses on Plug or just keep it in your portfolio "indefinitely"?
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@PhilSi96 Phew, difficult... on the one hand, it's "only" €80 that remains, so you won't be able to make much of a return (probably)
On the other hand, I don't think much of hydrogen shares at the moment or I don't know enough about them and the sight of them every time is not psychologically advantageous either.
Think about which of the two options is more important to you
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@PhilSi96 You can also take a look at my portfolio for inspiration :)
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@wolveee Wow, thanks for the comprehensive assessment! :-)

Re 1: That is also my consideration. I have just added Meta to my portfolio and am considering putting about 50% of O into it. I can imagine keeping the remaining 50% of O.

Re 2: Thanks for the food for thought "Would I buy the stock again?" I can answer some of them with "No!" and "Yes".

Re 3: I'm also quite happy with it. The STOXX will then add Europe. Should then be diversified enough in my opinion.

Re 4: That's true, but I only realized it later. Hence the "unsure" status

Re 5: We enjoy shares, which is why I don't want to put everything into ETFs.

Re 6: What else would you include? Pharmaceuticals, other countries, etc.?
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I think $AMD will soon rise well again. I would definitely keep it. There is great potential.