Portfolio and intensity of option income are actively managed. Management actively manages calls depending on the market situation. Keyword VIX.
Option income and dividend income are uncorrelated. CC-Income-ETFs therefore an interesting addition/supplement to classic dividend ETFs.
In the case of $JEGP very clear focus on a low-volatility portfolio. Reminds me of $MVOL in terms of its composition and price performance.
Covered calls: JPM: Out-of-the-Money (OTM). In my opinion, advantage over Global X ETFs. At-the-money (ATM). There is plenty of reading on the subject and the differences online.
JPM has accumulated incredible sums and institutional money in JEPI and JEPQ within a few years. In general, there is currently a glut of new CC-ETF issues in the USA and also in Canada. If the success is repeated in Europe, I suspect that other providers will launch similar products in this country too.