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Whether 30% bonds / real estate make sense can only be considered in conjunction with your strategy.

It would make sense for you to explain yourself a little. Investment horizon, risk appetite, goal, possibly savings rate. Then we can say a little more.
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@KevinE Thanks for your comment! I just want to build up assets in the long term, I can't say much about risk appetite yet as I'm still very new to it.
But I was thinking of bringing in a bit more stability with bond ETFs, for example

Current savings rate of approx. 500€ per month
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@alschaeub especially with a long horizon, bonds are useless because they don't really generate any returns. Put everything into the All World.
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@alschaeub You are right; bonds bring stability to the portfolio (in almost (!) all market phases). But always at the expense of returns. If you don't want to use the money for the pension gap until 20/30 years from now, for example, I would only slowly shift to a maximum of 20-40% bonds 5 years before then at the earliest.