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@leveragegrinding can happen, although they are currently doing really well and making progress. In America there is a law that vehicles used for public transportation must also be produced in America. That's another hurdle for VW, for example, that they not only have to develop the bus but also produce it for America in America.

Of course Tesla, VW and above all Daimler Trucks can and will be a competitor. BYD too, they already produce in the USA.
Nevertheless, it has to be said that Vicinity already has a good name in Canada and the USA.

I find the small trucks for 100-150 kilometers even more exciting than the buses. If logistics are outside the city and only electric vehicles are allowed in the city, that's great. You don't necessarily need huge trucks.

I already believe in it here. Won't be Tesla 2.0 but worth more than currently for sure 🤔💪🏼