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How do share returns relate to economic growth?


The USA belongs in every portfolio! BUT: Country diversification is important!


A different perspective on gold and BTC - What can possibly go wrong?


There is nothing magical about dividend growth!



Share / bond component

Multifactor portfolio with cash / bond reserve for countercyclical purchases.


Target allocation bonds / cash:

20% - 0% of the total portfolio, depending on the distance from the last ATH

75% EUR

------> 50% cash + overnight ETF $CSH2 (+0%)

------> 12.5% Inflation Linked Govt Bonds $IBCI (-0,03%)

------> 12.5 % Germany Gov Bond $X03G (+0,06%)

25 % USD

------> 12.5 % TIPS US Inflation-Linked Bonds $XTIP (-0,85%)

------> 12.5 US Treasury Bond 3-7 Year $TR7G (-0,74%)


Target allocation equities:

80-100% of total portfolio, depending on distance from last ATH

45.0% World AllCaps Market capitalization weighted

-> 45 % Developed + Emerging Markets $SPYI (+1,3%)

40.0 % Developed Markets Factors

-> 10.0 % Value Factor $XDEV (+1,06%)

-> 10.0 % Quality Factor $XDEQ (+1,15%)

-> 10.0 % Momentum Factor $XDEM (+2,12%)

-> 10.0 % Size Factor

----> 2.25 % US Small Cap Value weighted $ZPRV (+1,19%)

----> 2.25 % US Small Cap Quality $RTWO (+0,28%)

----> 4.5 % EU Small Cap Value weighted $ZPRX (+1,16%)

----> 1.0 % Japan Small Caps $ISJP (+0,98%)

15.0 % Emerging Markets

-> 3.0 % EM AllCaps $EIMI (+1,26%)

-> 4.0 % EM Value Factor $5MVL (+1,13%)

-> 4.0 % EM Quality $PEH (+1,62%)

-> 4.0 % EM Size Factor $SPYX (+0,78%)

Performance porn 2023:


15 Commenti

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If I'm wondering whether I'm on the right or left side of the maximum, I'm probably on the left, right? 😢 At least I have a few shares (which, as it should be, are performing worse together than the etf)
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If I crack my first 100k, I will adjust my portfolio in exactly the same way 👋
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@PowerWordChill How roughly does your reallocation depend on the ATH?
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You stole it from Reddit :D
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Is it possible to run this portfolio against another portfolio for the last 10 years?
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