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@AlterMann ok. So this has no "deeper meaning" 😂

If Nike goes down the drain by the deadline, can it be used as a hedge or are they allowed to refuse?
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@Pazi3 You have to read through the conditions. I recently had something like that, and they were able to back out too
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@AlterMann states that the price may change.
@Pazi3 Brokers must pass on these letters, even if they are pointless and aimed at ripping you off. However, 2 more thoughts. If the stock drops below $80 and it is cheaper on the market, a) more people will try to take up the offer and b) the issuer probably won't want any more pieces. Please also note that they only want shares that are in a US depository. Yours are probably at Clearsteam Frankfurt or Luxembourg. If you send them to yours, you will still have to pay the costs for the change of depository. So be careful. As I said, it's just a rip-off.
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@Transporter Can I also make such offers as a private individual? So I say I buy your Microsoft shares for 20 dollars and then the brokers have to pass that on to their 8 million customers. Even if only 3 people do that, I've already made a profit.
@Soprano I don't know, but I would assume that there are a few hurdles to overcome.