
And on it goes

Bought something again. Even though there has now been a small dip and many are deterred, I am still bullish from a long-term perspective. Based on my own chart analyses and those of HKCM, which in my opinion carry out very legitimate analyses, my price target for this year is $MSTR (-0,42%) for this year is at least 650 if not 700$ (including potential dilution).

What do you think? Where do you see $MSTR (-0,42%) and what do you think of the share?

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Acquistato x3 a 315,60 €
946,80 €
6 Commenti

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I bought on Tuesday morning, -14% xd I'm thinking about adding another taui
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@wealth_navigator_64 It never hurts to buy more if you are convinced. Besides, it's still better than leaving the 1000 in your account or something in my opinion. If you're investing for the long term, it doesn't matter when you get in anyway, so...
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@der_Don yo but I missed the time today. Let's see what else happens... Bitcoin is crashing and I hope it falls even further
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why don't you buy bitcoin directly?
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@samer777 $MSTR is a proxy, with certain advantages and disadvantages compared to BTC.
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I'm in under 300
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