
New money laundering law for $V (-1,68%) / $AXP (+1,56%) / $MA (-0,63%) and $PYPL (+5,3%)

The EU has once again come up with something new to restrict and minimize the quality of life of its citizens. I have just been informed by a friend that it is no longer possible to send money to friends free of charge via payment service providers with new credit cards. Both Mastercard and American Express customer service have confirmed by telephone that it will no longer be possible with immediate effect.

The friend had tried to send money to his sister in Austria via PayPal Friends and had saved his Mastercard as a payment method with PayPal. When this failed, he contacted Mastercard's customer service, who referred to the new Money Laundering Act and confirmed that they block such transactions.

I personally don't have this problem. I have just tried it and can still send my friends PayPal from my Amex and the transaction is also carried out.

Now the question is whether any of you have experienced the same and also have problems making free transactions from your credit card?

In my opinion, this is an absolute absurdity and a significant example of corruption. The whole thing has nothing whatsoever to do with money laundering, but is only intended to create a monopoly position for this strange e-euro by gradually banning all other free services.

26 Commenti

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If only there was a solution to avoid the encroaching regulation👀
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Just tried to send money to my other half with Amex, Visa and Mastercard:
No problem via Paypal.

Then tried to send money to Poland: Visa and Mastercard went through. Amex did not.

I also wrote to the 3 customer service teams.

Which law is supposed to have been passed?
Were you given an exact regulation or something similar?
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Then comes the digital euro, everyone claps and then comes the hammer! But always follow nicely. The system only wants the best for the citizen! 😂
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I have not been able to find anything along these lines. What law is that supposed to be?
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Maybe you should quickly send me 500€ via Paypal friends so that we can really make sure whether it still works or not 😜
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Bitcoin, for example, is a decentralized solution here.
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The idea of the law is to prevent malicious users from transferring money they don't have and then disappear without paying the bills. You can still use debit cards as that's money you actually have.

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