Feedback sul portafoglio

A small update on my portfolio:

  • I have liquidated my small Alibaba position (€280) and my small Metaverse ETF position (€300). I wouldn't have dared to buy more Alibaba and such a small position doesn't make much sense.
  • I invested the money in the $5OGE and the $IS3R (+2,15%) These two ETFs should each make up 25% of my total portfolio in the long term; however, I'm still toying with the idea of weighting the two with only 20% and adding another 10%. $IEMA (+1,36%) in order to be better diversified in terms of regions
  • I have just realized partial gains on my cryptos (not yet tracked) and have increased my $BTC (+0,17%) -position to €1,250 and my $SOL (-1,13%) -position to €500; the profits will also flow into the two ETFs
  • The individual positions that are <€500 are still to be increased; $AAUKF and $LOCK (+0,99%) via a monthly savings plan and the rest with subsequent purchases

=> In the long term, I would like to cover 50% with the 2 to 3 large ETF positions and the remaining 50% with individual shares of quality companies

I would be very interested to know what you think of this strategy!

  • Include EM ETF yes or no?
  • Your opinion on $5OGE and $IS3R (+2,15%) as a basis for a portfolio?
  • Are there any individual stocks in my portfolio that you think are completely unsuitable as a long-term investment?

I am very keen to hear your opinions! 🙏🏼

34.366,87 €
8 Commenti

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If you feel comfortable with 50 positions, that's fine, but I would find it exhausting to constantly keep track of how the companies are doing.
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22 years and 30k deposit 🫡 everything done right so far! Congratulations
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Would still add for 10€ $MBG to then buy new shares with the dividends📈👍
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I do not invest in ETFs. Reason: If an ETF value has risen very strongly, you cannot realize any (partial) gains and sometimes the ETF still contains values that you don't want for various reasons.
Otherwise: savings plan on all positions and increase when dividends rise
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