
It is a great pity that the SL I had set at my pain threshold of -10% has just been triggered.

I find the company and its lines of business very interesting and was sure I had found the right entry point.

Do you think the SL at -10% is too tight? I set this level because I am not convinced that the share can recover 10% so quickly.

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9 Commenti

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First and foremost, you have to be happy with it, no one else. You thought of something with -10%.
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I find -5 to -10% quite normal
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If it's your pain threshold, it's probably right for you. So work on buying and track your performance to know if you are still making profits over the years with your strategy, whatever it is.
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What did you want to achieve with the share? According to your profile, you want to "buy and hold", i.e. it doesn't even fit to use an SL at all
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I think it's good that you haven't started to tinker with your original strategy of max. -10% loss.
If you are unsure about the 10%, you can also try out other limits for yourself.

For me, the first question I usually ask myself with a position is how much I am prepared to lose. The position size is then determined from this and the SL.
If you are interested in the topic of money management, you can take a look at the pinned post on my profile.
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