Feedback sul portafoglio

Hello dear community.

This is my first post on this platform.

I have been investing for retirement provision for several years now.

My goal is to reach the €100,000 portfolio value by my 30th birthday (2030).

Last night at 20:05 I reached 1/4 of my goal by 2030. My first milestone, so to speak.

What do I do for a living?

I'm an industrial engineering student and have been working part-time since I started my degree (2020). I work in the energy sector.

How is the portfolio structured?

approx. 70% ETFs

(Europe is disproportionately represented compared to a normal world ETF).

Current savings plans:

$SUSW (+1,12%) 200€/m

$LCUW (+1,29%) 200€/m

$EQDS (+0,94%) 100€/m

$MEUD (+0,93%) 100€/m

approx. 20% Crypto

(Purchases were made a few years ago. I'm just holding it at the moment. Maybe it will rise to a new ATH again.

approx. 10% individual stocks

(the attempt to beat the market - has worked rather less well this year. However, this should be seen as a lesson in these areas)

You are welcome to comment on ideas / suggestions for improving my portfolio. There is certainly room for optimization.

Have a happy first advent

Guarda il mio Cruscotto ora!
10 Commenti

immagine del profilo
I have 2 questions about your portfolio: Why 2 World ETFs? And why do you invest in both? One is quite enough here. You have a lot of overlaps here. I also think a world ETF with 400 positions is very limited. A lot is filtered out and you lose performance. The same applies to Europe: why 3 Europe ETFs? You also have a lot of overlaps here. You sometimes have companies that are included in all 3. So you have overweighted them a lot. Are you aware of that? Do you want to do that? Why make the whole thing so complicated? 1 World ETF and 1 Europe ETF is enough.
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immagine del profilo
If I look at your portfolio, you are doing the performance with your ETFs and not with the individual stocks. This is unusual and I would ask myself whether these are the right individual stocks. Over the ten-year period, shareholders with BASF shares have lost -44.3% on balance, which corresponds to an average annual performance of -6.0%. An investment of EUR 10,000 would thus have shrunk to EUR 5,381. https://www.boerse.de/aktien/BASF-Aktie/DE000BASF111 Over the ten-year period, shareholders in RWE shares gained 46.5% on balance, which corresponds to an average annual performance of 3.1%. An investment of EUR 10,000 would therefore have risen to EUR 13,605 (that's not a racehorse 🙈) On the other hand, ETFs are like System Gastro, which means that the ETF also contains a lot of junk that you would be less likely to put in your portfolio as individual stocks. That's why it's better to cook for yourself and add individual stocks to your portfolio according to your taste. Here, I would focus less on cyclicals and put classic long-term stocks in my portfolio. Then the stock market is fun!
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immagine del profilo
Not much can be said about your portfolio strategy yet in my opinion. You won't have any significant money in it until around mid-2021; a good 2 years is practically impossible to evaluate because it's too short-term. On the other hand, I would like to know why you want to weight Europe so heavily? Asia and Africa are growing markets, and you can never avoid the USA anyway. I wouldn't write Europe off completely in the near future, but I don't see any economic prosperity now that is stronger than in other continents. That's why (for me personally) an overweighting of Europe would be nothing. But perhaps you can explain your convictions to us?
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