
Buy high sell los or something like that...

$O2D (-0,65%) has had to let in the last two days quite nice feathers. The reason is that 1&1 has terminated a contract for network use. The bottom is expected at 1.75 euros. Because the but in the fall always falls and to the dividend in May 0.18 € / share anyway rises again I've allowed myself a portion. With 10% dividend yield.

Telefonica DE logo
Acquistato x800 a 1,835 €
1.468,00 €
23 Commenti

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So eggs you have can say nothing against it 🤣
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Uncertainty is pointless, I'll do that again tomorrow in the main portfolio with factor 10.
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Catastrophic chart and negative dividend growth... why?😅🫠
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Have also struck again and hope for a similar development. True to the motto : Learn from pain 😂
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This position is almost 20% in your portfolio? 🤔 Bought today 🫢
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I bought additional shares in the parent company and see Telefonica very well positioned in Germany.
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goes down further
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