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Have you tried XetraGold? Or a physical gold ETF?
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@Epi Nope. I have attached a screenshot. I think the ones you mentioned won't work either!
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@Johann_van_der_Smut Oh, banks are often inscrutable. Just give it a try!
TR doesn't have EuwaxII either, but a physical gold ETC. 🤷
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@Epi What is important to me in this case is
1. tax-free
2. gold can be delivered

This would be the perfect exit strategy in the event that the filius does not have the necessary maturity to handle the money carefully when he comes of age
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@Johann_van_der_Smut That leaves only XetraGold...
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@Epi because of my two requirements or because I cannot buy euwax directly via Junior Depot?
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@Epi Which one would that be? LG
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@Johann_van_der_Smut Only EuwaxII and XetraGold can physically deliver gold in Germany. Ergo...
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@Epi I can't buy XetraGold either
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@Johann_van_der_Smut Then it won't work with your requirements.