Feedback sul portafoglio

Hello community 🙋🏻‍♂️,

I have thought about an ETF strategy where I invest 70% in the $VWCE (+1,33%) and 30% in sectors ETFs. The 30% is divided as follows 10% $XDWH (-0,2%) , 5% $XDWT (+2,23%) , 5% $CHIP (+4,42%) , 5% $JEDI (+0,26%) and 5% $IGLN (+0,7%) . Which sectors do you think are still interesting 🤔 and do you think this strategy makes sense for long-term wealth accumulation with an average return of 10-12% per year?

Thank you for your feedback 😊

11 Commenti

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In my opinion, you won't achieve 10-12% returns per year with ETFs :D
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I can’t predict the future. But backtesting this portfolio could give an idea.

May be in the range of 6-8% per year given the volatility in IT and Chip and drag by gold.
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I prefer stocks than etfs

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