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The beginning was good - the part with every €1 dividend there is a new share is a bit 🤪 good that you want to limit it to 20 shares. Why don't you collect the dividends and then buy a share at €500, for example? When you have 20 full shares, start again with the first one and expand the position from €1000?
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@Reinecke Thank you, I think this approach is indeed better! However, I'll have to be patient until I get to €500 with dividends, for example. 🤪 and 20 stocks is definitely the maximum, rather 10-15 to start with and then the loop.
I came up with the idea of the €1 savings plan because it doesn't cost any fees and because it also gives me a bit more movement in my portfolio (even if it's only minimal)...
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@FleX88 oh well, with Zero but also with TR you can simply make a one-time savings plan with x euros. Simply delete it immediately after execution. Then you also optimize the 1€ order fee. However, they always buy so strangely that if you do it right, you'll actually recoup the €.