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Is this good or bad for us as equity investors?
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@Toooom Ja. 👍
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@Toooom If the market assumes a larger rate cut (0.5%) and the Fed only cuts by 0.25%, one would think that the market will take it badly. After all, the 0.5% has already been priced in. However, one could fear that a larger cut of 0.5% would hit the economy harder and that it would already be "wobbling". Which in turn would not be a good signal.
Long story short! I think the market will resent the Fed if it doesn't cut rates more sharply 🤔

More important, however, will be Mr. Powell's "wording"! You can sell everything well or not!
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@GordonGekko83 so in short, no matter how it is lowered, it will be uncomfortable
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@ScorpionfromBW So are you assuming that things will go down the drain tomorrow?
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@ScorpionfromBW I didn't say that, but I think it's possible. As I said, the question is how it is sold!
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@Toooom To be honest, I have no idea. I don't sell anyway, it's no good in the long term.

You have to decide for yourself what you do
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@ScorpionfromBW I agree with you, the others should go ahead and sell. I have set stop losses on all my play positions and the rest I am looking forward to more favorable prices before the strong last quarter
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@Toooom right decision 👍
It's going up tomorrow. Or even down.
I mean. it doesn't matter if you invest 😅