
$RDC (+3,43%) After the turbulent Monday and the bounce on Tuesday, I tightened the trailing stoploss on some short-term positions. Redcare Pharmacy / Shopapotheke was hit.

I entered 3 x 15 tranches between mid-May and early June. The target range for the exit would have been between € 145 and € 150. But in volatile times it's better to get out with a profit than to lose it again.

As soon as Shopapotheke returns to the <€115 range, I'll be back in 😅

Redcare Pharmacy logo
Venduto x45 a 139,70 €
6.286,50 €
5 Commenti

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PS: Capital was immediately reinvested in a further 100 units $OMV 100 units $KTN and 1 unit $ADYEN 😁
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Caught at a great time and made a clever switch. I'm also considering topping up at $KTN, the price is simply very tempting
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Not interesting as a long-term investment in itself?
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Als Langzeitinvest für sich nicht interessant?

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