Feedback sul portafoglio

Hello everyone!

Last week, I was fully focused on my job and didn't have much spare time. I've added 300 euros to my portfolio, bought $SPYD (-0,13%) , and added to my Revolut AutoInvest portfolio. In total, I've invested 600 euros this month. I was planning to add more this week, but my friend invited me to Cyprus, so I had to buy tickets and save some money for the trip. I feel a bit strange and uncomfortable, as I'm not really used to having free money and not investing it immediately.

I also don't add cash money from my bank account to my Getquin portfolio, so they're kind of uncounted. Maybe that's why I feel out of sorts (hello, ADHD). Besides this, everything is great.

As $BTC (+1,48%) rises, my main focus from now on is to invest in $SPYD (-0,13%), $VTI (-0,01%) , or $SCHD and grow these positions. I also want to buy more dividend stocks, but statistically speaking, it's not worth it, so I will stick to ETFs.

I hope you have a good week, and see you next time!

89.366,42 USD
2 Commenti

That’s quite a bit in crypto. I am not a fan, but if you want that, wouldn’t it be better to just get rid of everything but the Bitcoin (adding any money there) and increasing the more stable and secure positions?
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