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Where Crypto?💸 No, seriously, I think the distribution is quite okay. The idea sounds good in any case. I for me just need (much) dividend for the psyche. But you're right. At 30 years you do not need that now theoretically.
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@Thronar Currently has about the same value as my stock and ETF portfolio 😜
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@DonkeyInvestor I do not like Crypto. Where follow?
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@Thronar Why don't you like crypto, you didn't mention me. If you don't tell anyone, you'll still get my follow 🤫.
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@DonkeyInvestor Since I actually did not have the automatic @ before when you press "Reply". A case for customer service 🤪😂 I don't like crypto because a) I don't understand it well enough, b) I don't deal with it (my own fault up to this point, of course) and c) I think it's pure speculation. For example, crypto ban in all of Europe and everything is already invalid. The same with regulations, etc. In addition, to my knowledge, there is no real countervalue behind it. Especially with Bitcoin, you read again and again that the number of Bitcoin is limited. How is that supposed to work? Either it is limited, in which case the money supply will no longer be sufficient for everyone, or it is not limited, in which case there is no real value behind it, or it can be increased as needed (printing money, so to speak), in which case it is once again the power of individuals. Furthermore, I don't really care whether I pay online with USD or EUR or Bitcoin. The only advantage I actually see is that Bitcoin is Bitcoin. No matter where in the world.
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@Thronar This is not automatically put in front of replies to activities, which is why this is a good criterion to find out who has actually read the post 😜🤫 Thanks for your explanation on the subject of crypto. But I don't think this is the right place for a discussion about it (and I have no idea if you even want one 😅🤔).
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@DonkeyInvestor True, it's just automatically put in front of it when you reply to a comment. I guess a discussion about bitcoin has no point with me anyway because I don't know my way around well enough to actually have an informed discussion 😅