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Presumably different indices being tracked and thus different (dividend) yields.
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@Staatsmann Don't they both track the MSCI World Index?
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@AlexSch But it could be that one takes the World Index based on the indexing of DWS and one takes the index based on the indexing of Vanguard etc. Issuers do not have to orientate themselves on the leading index, but also invent their own index with similar names. Otherwise, it could also be due to the replication. One replicates synthetically and the other uses optimized sampling.
@Staatsmann this is not true! MSCI = msci , vanguard tracks ftse for example and books MSCI. Dws is an asset manager and not an index provider. This is related to the price and issued shares
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@Flo87FFM Fact! sorry, I had a complete thinking error apparently. you are right of course!