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I am still waiting for the distribution from 20.08 at TR...
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@DividendenWaschbaer ask @AlterMann, he would definitely say "it's your own fault" again 😂

No, but seriously, TR is no longer possible in my opinion! When I changed my bank from Smartbroker to Smartbroker+, I first considered switching, but in the meantime I'm really glad I stayed.

Dividends arrive punctually with a maximum delay of 2-3 days, under €500 just €1 fee, from €501 free of charge, can trade on many international and national stock exchanges at acceptable conditions if required, etc.
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@SAUgut77 well, for the most part I'm satisfied, as long as you don't need support. 99% of my dividends arrive on the day of payout, sometimes a day later. Free of charge, of course.
Only Petroleo Brasileiro now takes 3 weeks. But I was told that it just takes a little longer. According to Google, there's no deadline or anything. So it may well take 4 weeks or so.

Apart from that, I think the overview is great and of course it's cheap. But you have to make sacrifices somewhere. Unfortunately 😅

By the way, 4 weeks ago I asked the SBroker whether they offer duplicate shipping. After the statement "depends on the effort", two further inquiries (by e-mail) as to what kind of statement that was and two phone calls in which I was promised that I would get a call back, I decided to deal with DKB after all. Petroleo Brasileiro will probably move there too 😂
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@SAUgut77 And rightly so. There's a lot more crap happening with the carryover than when it gets better.
In the meantime, some positions have been booked out twice, but only some of them have arrived at zero. As a result, some positions are in the red. And they don't reply to emails
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@DividendenWaschbaer I meant the €500 or from €501 when trading and not in relation to the divi. This is of course also free of charge...

Ok, the support is just a general thing with the "cheap" brokers, but as I said, I'm happy with S+ so far.

From a certain size, however, I will also transfer some shares from the discounter to a supermarket.
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@AlterMann can understand the annoyance, but why do others with problems at TR have such a saying around their ears 🤷‍♂️
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@SAUgut77 That wasn't meant personally. It was meant more like this: "Keep your eyes open".
By the way, you can write to Mauls at Zero, they usually reply on the same day, even several times