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Why would you want to double up an All-World that covers the whole world with other ETFs? 😅
E.g. with a China ETF or Aristocrat, or the Vanguard high dividend yield ETF
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@Nikita_g And why all this? 😅
@RoronoaZoro because I find them interesting and believe that China and some emerging markets, for example, will perform very strongly in the future.
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@Nikita_g It's not about having the best investment of all time according to statistics etc. It's about feeling comfortable with your strategy and enjoying investing. If you think China and emerging markets will perform well, get an EM ETF as well. It's YOUR strategy, not mine, another getQuin user's or anything else. 🙂
@GreenWash I am aware of that, but I would still like to get other opinions.
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@Nikita_g Then you could consider switching to an MSCI World and supplementing it with an emerging markets ETF, the weighting of which you can increase slightly ;)
@RoronoaZoro Perfect, I wanted to do something like that. But now I know that I should take it easy thanks!
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@Nikita_g In my opinion, less is always more when it comes to ETFs, commit to a strategy at the beginning and then continue to follow it, if you are satisfied with the World + EM strategy, which I also follow, then go for it ;)
@RoronoaZoro Would probably drive a similar strategy with the well-known Vanguard all world ftse and the Vanguard high dividend yield because it invests in exactly the countries in which I would probably have simply divided it up and maybe an aristocrat etf?! But maybe not Let's see how I feel about it later 😅
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@Nikita_g So far it sounds like you'd like to invest for the long term. Sure, distributions are cool, but I'd rather keep it simple for now and split it up and move it back and forth as little as possible, at least that's my approach ;)