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White narcissistic men whose position of power and thirst for recognition goes over their heads
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@Windbeutel you forgot "cis" 😂😂
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@DonkeyKongx a look at the profile... role models: Elon Musk. 🤝 Congratulations.
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@Windbeutel Why is the "white" important? Skin color doesn't play a role for left-green people, does it?
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@Ph1l1pp I don't know if you're trying to frame me as "left-green" and where this assumption comes from, but I'll answer you objectively anyway. "White" should be understood less biologically and more symbolically - as a representation of systems that give certain groups advantages. In Western societies, white men have historically been the ones with disproportionate power and privilege. The emphasis on "white" draws attention to the fact that power relations are often ultimately influenced by race and ethnicity. And therefore the use of this addition makes perfect sense. Even by people who, contrary to your assumption, do not belong to the left-green milieu - but are only apparently reflective and open-minded enough to recognize and want to acknowledge such things.
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@Ph1l1pp because Elon and Trump are clearly following a clear line...we've had it all before and left-green has nothing to do with it except for a color weakness 😉😂
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@Windbeutel The term "slave" comes from "Slavs", a predominantly white group that was enslaved in large numbers in the Middle Ages - historically there were even more white slaves than black slaves. This shows that power is not tied to skin color. Class and socio-economic factors determined privileges, not ethnicity.

Today, countries such as China and India dominate economically, while many white populations, for example in Eastern Europe, are disadvantaged. "White" as a symbol of power is therefore very simplistic and incorrect.

Anyone who sees the world, and white men in particular, as over-privileged and everything as unfair is, in my opinion, putting themselves in a deliberate victim role

But I don't want to deny you your world view 🤷🏻‍♂️
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@Ph1l1pp you are now coming up with India and China and doing some wonderful cherrypicking, congratulations. Read through my text again and become aware of my argumentation, especially of a geographical nature. Yes, the "white man" is definitely "disadvantaged" in certain countries. I never denied that.
And if your world view differs from the fact that "whites" and "men" are statistically disadvantaged, then I really can't help you.
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@Windbeutel too bad, are we not going to be friends now? 🧘 Mister I'm pigeonholed and omniscient?
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@DonkeyKongx you could write a meaningful post with YOUR opinion or point of view - then we can find out whether we can become friends or not. So far I haven't read anything of substance from you...
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@Windbeutel Cherrypicking is part of every discussion, isn't it 😆? After all, you only refer to certain countries.

On the difference between men and women: Studies such as those by Blau & Kahn (2017) or OECD (2020) show that men are more likely to go into the financial sector and women into social professions. This is often due to social conditioning or biological differences, rather than discrimination or the "old white cis man".