Feedback sul portafoglio

Milestone - €100,000 - ✅

It's my first post so please forgive me for the quality. You are welcome to roast my portfolio and give me honest feedback! On the contrary, it's even welcome 😇


In 2014, or rather at the age of 21, after my voluntary time in the German Armed Forces, I started training as an industrial mechanic in a chemical company and literally had no idea what I was doing. Every day was a day of learning (it still is today, but not as extreme as back then) and so I also learned in 2016 that the share in the company's profits could not only be paid out, but could also be converted into a share in the company via an employee share program and that's how I got my first 15 shares. At the time, I had to pay for 10 shares (1st package) with my profit share and I received 5 shares with a vesting period of 10 years for starting the program (max. 10 shares for the first two packages - I received the second 5 shares a year later when I bought the second package). For the 10 shares themselves, I receive a further share "as a gift" every year for 10 years (for the first two packages and 5 shares over 10 years from the third package onwards).

As a new "major shareholder" in the company, I started to get to grips with the stock market. It was completely new territory for me and unfortunately I wasn't lucky enough to be introduced to this topic by my parents.

Initially, I gathered a lot of information from the shareholder, savings bank advisors (at that time still ETFs and funds) and many other sources. Yesterday, after about 8 years, the time had come. I briefly exceeded the first €100,000 and reached my first personal milestone 🥳

On the way there, things went better and worse at times, and unfortunately I did not fail to burn my fingers on one share or another. Probably because I didn't inform myself sufficiently and made a classic beginner's mistake of "trusting the recommendations of others". Greetings go out here to Alfred Maydorn 🙋‍♂️

Overall, however, I am satisfied with my performance and am continuing to work on achieving an even better performance. I have slightly exceeded my target position size of 25, maximum 30 shares. However, there will be changes in the portfolio in the near future, so that this will fit again at the end of the day.

About my portfolio:

My positions should be approximately the same size in the future and here I am extrapolating to an investment of €1,000,000 with around 30 positions. This means that a single position without price gains/losses would be around €33,000.

My strategy lies between growth and dividend stocks. I currently have 19 savings plans of €25 each and recently started investing around €500 in Bitcoin. Here I am pursuing a Bitcoin only strategy. I would like to increase the monthly savings rate of the 19 savings plans by at least €5 in the near future. Dividends are strictly reinvested by me!

Changes that I would like to make to my portfolio in the near future:


$SE (-0,29%) : The company is still not profitable. However, the key figures are improving from quarter to quarter. Business in Asia and other regions is picking up again, but the share has long since lost the growth figures it had when I included this share in my savings plan. The economic package from China is currently favoring the share price and I am therefore letting the share run for the time being and setting a stop after the €85 mark has been sustainably overcome. I tighten this until I am stopped out.

$PFE (+0,81%) Unfortunately, I missed the exit here and should have done so at the corona high. At the moment I am enjoying the dividend, which is not sustainable, but if the pipeline with regard to weight loss pills and cancer drugs by Seagen does not achieve the desired success, the share will fly for good. For this reason, J&J is already in the portfolio.

$YNV (+3%) Thanks to Alfred Maydorn. One of the recommendations I blindly trusted. Here I hope to get my entry price out again. I missed an exit here and now the €100 no longer matters. The share will remain in my portfolio for the time being and may go into the loss pot if it makes sense.

$SEDG (+7,21%) I got in at the wrong time and since then every additional purchase has been an attempt to push the price down in order to get out again instead of immediately pulling the ripcord with a small loss. Here I will sit it out and hope that the generally poor mood in the sector improves. My hope is that this will lead back into the green zone through lower interest rates and increasing demand for electricity through AI. Until then, it's a case of wait and see and drink coffee.

$TROW (+0,25%) The company is/was replaced by Blackrock.


$META (+0,06%) : I would like to build up a first tranche here in the event of a setback. Potential AI, Metaverse etc.

Otherwise, it remains to be seen what other opportunities the future holds.

The next milestone for me personally would be the €250,000 mark.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to your feedback!

99.359,34 €
9 Commenti

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One option is to convert everything in 2-3 ETFs. Normally you prefer single stocks when you feel like you have a competitive advantage with your choices, or at least you want to challenge yourself on doing so.
Your portfolio looks pretty ok. It's balanced and diversified but I don't personally see any scenario in which it will overperform large indexes in the mid-long term.
You may choose some plain ETFs or if you want to risk a bit more and bet on growth, some more weight on tech and megatrends, if your feel confident with your knowledge.
immagine del profilo
Was interesting to read, such contributions are always welcome, nice explanations, congratulations on the strong milestone and continued success! 👍
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immagine del profilo
nice portfolio, would sell the small positions under 1000€ or you can add to them.
but i think the former is better, you already have a few positions that you have to watch and then you'd rather butter in your well-performing stocks when they are worth buying again :)
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Interesting portfolio & history behind it.
The $BAS dividend tastes good over time 👌

On the subject of all positions being the same size:
Do you then plan to sell & reallocate on certain key dates so that the constellation fits? 🫨

As I once read here:
Investing is not a sprint, it's a marathon!

Keep at it, increase your positions and then it will happen.
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