Let me get this straight: you want to build up a dividend portfolio with part of the 10K, reinvest the distributions, but don't want to make any additional savings in the portfolio? And you want to play around with the rest of the money?
@randomdude OK, maybe it wasn't quite clear, there is about 7K in this portfolio. I will reinvest the distributions and invest an additional €100 a month. I would sacrifice more, but higher powers won't allow it. The part to play around with is about 3K. It's in stocks or ETFs that don't pay dividends. Sure, it's not much.
Rule number 1: Never select securities by distribution date, but by quality and whether they fit your strategy.
Rule number 2: Don't play around with 3K. You can do great things with it, but without a plan it will be gone faster than you can look.
Rule number 3: You need an investment strategy with which you can pursue realistic goals.
Since your investment horizon is not so terribly long, if I were you I would set up a portfolio with 60% ACWI/FTSE All Wolrd (accumulating), 20% gold and 20% call money/money market funds or similar. Save stubbornly and rebalance once a year. When it comes to the withdrawal phase, you can see whether a dividend ETF or a payout plan is the better choice.
Rule number 2: Don't play around with 3K. You can do great things with it, but without a plan it will be gone faster than you can look.
Rule number 3: You need an investment strategy with which you can pursue realistic goals.
Since your investment horizon is not so terribly long, if I were you I would set up a portfolio with 60% ACWI/FTSE All Wolrd (accumulating), 20% gold and 20% call money/money market funds or similar. Save stubbornly and rebalance once a year. When it comes to the withdrawal phase, you can see whether a dividend ETF or a payout plan is the better choice.
@randomdude Thank you, that is very specific advice and very specific figures. I will look into this tomorrow.