
Today, chance put some play money in my pocket. Off-market, I was able to sell a few shares in $DE0006288632 for €72 after fees. Purchased at €49.7 incl. fees, I was able to make a tidy profit.

This gave me some money to add an Asian share to my portfolio.

Today, a weak economy was priced into the stock market in China, causing all stocks to fall. A good time to buy cheaply.

My choice was $17 (-0,6%) as the dividend was/is surprisingly stable and incredibly high. With the negative payout ratio, this is certainly a very shaky candidate, and the domestic political issue between China and Hong Kong also plays a role here. The share price of $17 (-0,6%) was sent to its lowest price in 21 years of company history by the loss announcement published on 30.08 & 02.09 (20B HK$) with minus 13%.

The bottom line is that this was a risky bet and a plunge into a falling knife, with a small chance of winning something.

In any case, I am now learning something about withholding tax in China and Hong Kong.


2 Commenti

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Sounds like "left pocket, right pocket" to me when the company pays out such high dividends and the share price continues to fall 🤷‍♂️
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