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This story will never end well in the long term. The market is full and vw is losing more and more market share.
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@Investor_in_Jogginghose are you going short?
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@Nico2604 No, I only buy normal shares. Preferably those that will be in a better position in 10 years' time than they are today
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@Investor_in_Jogginghose Good strategy, that's what I'm doing too. Let's see if VW follows suit or falls according to your assumption. I'm a little more positive about that.
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@Nico2604 What have you bought so far?
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@Investor_in_Jogginghose some. Apart from lvmh and mercedes, the individual stocks are all in the green. But I'm not panicking that things won't go up again in the future. VW now accounts for just under 2% of the overall portfolio. I also have a few other stocks, but the majority are in boring ETFs.