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Am I right, you have almost 40k as a credit line and even slightly overdrawn??? 😱😱😱
Dude, what happens if the prices drop now? Does TR sell everything and you still have to pay the rest because there's not enough cover???
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@AlterMann think SC sells everything 😂
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@cashwithhead Yes, maybe there are still a few euros left over for a car wash in the self-service box...
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@AlterMann Exactly like this. (But it is Scalable)
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@AlterMann I put about 15k in derivatives call Traton on Friday, but you can't use them as collateral. Since only stocks, EFT, funds and bonds serve as collateral.

Since my security currently consists largely of Nividia and these are falling a little today, my Magrin is falling and is overdrawn.

I use the deposit credit at @scalable at @traderepublic unfortunately the functions are not available, which is why I had to sell my Rolls Royce and 1k taxes were deducted to buy Call Traton bills. 👎
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@BMWM1 I couldn't sleep peacefully for a minute.
If this works: Congratulations. But I'm out of there
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@AlterMann ditto! More risk is not possible! If only one thing goes in the wrong direction, cheers!
@AlterMann then the BMW M1 will have to do :)
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@AlterMann sleep is overrated 😂
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@BMWM1 I'm always tired, except when I'm sleeping. Then I'm fine... 😂