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@stonksonlygodown no, I do it so that colleagues like you waste 15 minutes of their lives reading and commenting on my posts 🧠
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@stonksonlygodown I had the same thought :)
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@wormii Spend the 2 seconds you're posting to find out what's behind the @CryptoPfand account - maybe then you'll see that you don't have to flex because the amounts are too small for you. 😜
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@CryptoPfand I'm not questioning your account, I'm just questioning your moving small amounts back and forth and creating a graphic post for it. But if you enjoy it, then don't let me dissuade you.
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@stonksonlygodown Come down. In any case, don't get artificially upset about something that doesn't affect your life in the slightest. It's not good for the heart.
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@stonksonlygodown @CryptoPfand I find the project itself interesting. It allows you to see what you get out of the small change after years that would otherwise disappear into nirvana.

Personally, I wouldn't invest too much time in evaluations, Excel etc.. But that's just my opinion. I can also understand if it's fun, but it can quickly get out of hand.
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@stonksonlygodown Max - you're probably very anonymous.
A little politeness is in order and nobody really needs to insult anyone here! If you don't like his profile or the project, keep scrolling.
I will delete your comments here and keep a closer eye on your activities here in future. Insults are against our rules at Getquin.
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