
$FREY I have the share in my Scalable Capital account, since the share has moved to the USA I can no longer access the share and can't see any value. Anyone else having the same problem?

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If I look at the share price performance, that's less of a problem :-
I have the same problem with JustTrade -> I have now asked them...and received the following answer:

In the class FREYR Battery (LU2360697374) there was a 1:1 exchange into ISIN US35834F1049. The new class is currently only tradable on the NYSE and not on a trading venue in Germany. In this respect, a valuation in your securities account is currently not possible.

In order to sell the share, you would have to transfer it to a broker who offers trading via the US trading venue "NYSE". The transfer is free of charge and the purchase data will of course be transferred. You should therefore check in advance whether your desired broker offers trading on the NYSE.

For external securities account transfers, please use the relevant form from the acquiring bank and then send us the signed form by e-mail scan to service@justtrade.com. After checking the details, we will initiate the transfer.

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