
Beat the S&P500 Challenge

I have been thinking about which stocks I could use to beat the S&P500 index.

After a lot of research, I have now decided on 20 American shares, which I will save 100 euros/month each in savings plans from 01.04.2024. As I didn't want any overlaps/duplications with my ETFs (World and Consumer Staples), I chose companies from the second tier. Perhaps one or two of the stocks will also be of interest to you 😉

The portfolio will contain the following shares:

$AME (-0,72 %)

$APH (-1,83 %)


$AJG (-0,23 %)

$CMG (-1,32 %)

$FIX (-3,62 %)

$EME (-4,35 %)

$IT (-1,91 %)

$HUBB (-3,05 %)

$INTU (-3,14 %)

$KAI (-1,44 %)

$KLAC (-3,27 %)

$MMC (+0,44 %)

$MEDP (+3,26 %)

$MOH (+1,46 %)

$RSG (+0,79 %)

$SNPS (-3,12 %)

$URI (-3,5 %)

$VRTX (+1,63 %)

$GWW (+1,95 %)

I know that it will be difficult to beat the S&P500, but I still want to try...

29 Commentaires

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Just take the NASDAQ 🤔
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@Howsy that's too easy 😏
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Why don't you just buy NASDAQ 100
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@Beeftek because I don't want to drag along any duplicates or underperformers.
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Thanks for your post and good preparatory work. I also like many of these stocks very much (I already had three in my savings plan) and your post has inspired me to add a few more. Thank you for that 😘
Would you like to keep us up to date from time to time on where you currently stand? I would love that.
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@zatira Sure, no problem if you're interested, I'll be happy to do it...

I only started in May and not in April as announced.

I buy 10 shares in alphabetical order on the 1st of the month and 10 shares on the 15th of the month (as I enter everything manually, it's easier for me).

The counterpart is $VUSA, which is saved at 50 euros on the 1st and 15th of the month.

The status after 2 months is as follows:

My 20 shares: +3.89%
VUSA: +4.67%
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@zatira in case you are interested, I had other stocks to choose from













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@Pezi great, thanks, I'll take a look at that too and yes, please let me hear where your experiment stands
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How did you come across these shares? What were your criteria for the selection?
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@flowriii To cut a long story short:

Data from recent years, future prospects and an understanding of the business model.
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Could it be that you have only selected stocks that are not "the big names" and performed very well last year? Or how did you come to this selection?
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@Bavarianholder21 as written, 2nd tier, no hype stocks, profitable for many years, very good future prospects, understandable business model...
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Interesting selection of companies. I have two of them in my portfolio and a few on my watchlist.

Good luck with the challenge 👍
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LOL, what a dreamer 😂😂😂😂 sorry, complete waste of time... you're not hitting anything longterm at all... but go ahead and try it and with sparplan not at all.
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@Testo-Investor feel free to call me a dreamer....🤣🤣🤣🤣

...you probably didn't even click on a stock, otherwise you would have noticed that EVERY SINGLE one of these listed stocks has beaten the S&P500 in recent years 😜
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@Pezi Don't get annoyed, it's a good idea. But try it with even more shares 😂
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@Simpson He won't make it anyway 😜
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Hello, what is the current status?
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@But_the_Stock_Picked_Me see repost from just now
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great selection of shares... unfortunately all too expensive :(
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@Memo0606 you almost never get them cheap. Molina and Vertex are currently cheaply valued.
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@Pezi interesting companies, can you think of any others? ferrari should slide down even further😃
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@wasi look at my answer from Zatira
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Such a coincidence
I added to the watch today.
I also have a few other companies in my portfolio.
Good selection
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@PowerWordChill It was important to me to find good and profitable companies and not to rely on an ETF again
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@PowerWordChill yes ! But 3 times :-)))
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