
Hello everyone,

I have a question. I started with around 53 dividends, which is of course far too much.

Now I want to start building up assets.

Does it make sense to already include dividend stocks like $MAIN (+2,39 %) or $IRM (+0,78 %) or first save in the existing ETFs and start with e.g. 50k dividends.

By the way, I am 34 years old and my savings plan amounts to 750eur divided between the ETFs and 50eur Nvidia

Thanks to everyone :-)

11 874,52 €
2,48 %
21 Commentaires

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Why 2 more ETFs with the content of the S&P 500? You have an MSCI World that is 60% US, an S&P 500 that is 100% US and an S&P 500 IT? Then why not take the Nasdaq 100 in a mix with the Euro Stoxx 50 and Nikkei 225?

Here is your Etf list:
94% USA
4% EU
2% Asia

Top 10 in %:

Apple 11.84
Microsoft 11.03
NVIDIA Corp 8.58
Broadcom 2.62
Amazon.com Inc 1.99
Salesforce Inc 1.35
Meta Platforms Inc Class A 1.35
Advanced Micro Devices 1.34
Adobe Inc 1.19
Accenture PLC Class A 1.11
@MrMister That's exactly how it is when people don't deal with the topic... then it pops in the aftermath when the stock markets don't rise for once
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The World and sp500 should be the main component. I know the USA is overweighted. The 500tech should bring a little more return, which is why I included it. Or does that not make sense?
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@Shaikun rather no sense. See my comment. Personally, I see this question more as either or. Either Nasdaq or Sp500 or MSCI World.
I personally use the influence of 4 ETFs to rebalance accordingly:
40% MSCI World Info Tech 125
30% Dow Jones Ind Av 30
15% Euro Stoxx 50
15% Nikkei 225 hedge

If the tech market falls, I can switch to the Dow Jones at any time and vice versa. This is not possible in your constellation as you have a high tech share everywhere. Mine is just one example of many that may yet come. In the beginning, growth should be your goal. Dividends will come later.
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@Shaikun Sven, don't listen to the opinions of others. Everyone follows their own strategy.
Find your own strategy that you feel comfortable with.

Personally, I take the S&P500 ETF to my financial freedom. I don't invest in Europe or the emerging market because I have my reasons and arguments. Others would say no, but that's risky blah blah blah I'm not interested.

It's good that you've started, you're already further ahead than 90% of these people in this country. And everyone makes mistakes... it's important to learn from them throughout your life.

Good luck and stay on the ball 🤙🏽
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@MrMister Thank you very much for your help
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@SullyLockwood I think that's very good.
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@SullyLockwood Thank you too. Yes, it's hard to get started when you see minus :-)
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@Shaikun Simply continue to invest month after month Savings plan/individual purchase as you like 🤙🏽
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@Shaikun In the long term, you will be in the black. The S&p500 is already doing very well historically and you don't have extreme fluctuations in any of them. And in the savings plan, you buy more for the same amount of money in the fall and you're happy when things go up. As I said, it's just my strategy, each has its advantages. Find yours, get some inspiration and keep a clear overview of your portfolio.
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@SullyLockwood hey again. Would sp500/World + the europe stoxx 600 or msci europe make sense? Then I have at least differentiated a bit. 100% USA wouldn't bother me, that's where the biggest ones are. If I open a company I would also go to the USA :-)
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@Shaikun Your portfolio looks pretty good at the moment. Leave it as it is. Save the 3 ETFs you have. I wouldn't change anything now 👍🏽
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What happened to the 53 dividend values? Why do/did you not consider them as 'assets' or building up 'Vermögen'.
For the rest I agree with @MrMister , your etf choices are heavily geared towards US-stocks and it heavy, but hey, if you like it you do you.
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In my opinion, you should first focus on growth stocks and later switch to dividends at 60
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@Ole-Abeln does that mean i can stay with worlt ETF and sp500 and put money aside or start investing? :-) thanks for the help
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@Shaikun yes right
There's far too much tech in there for me. If you want to overweight the USA and tech, then I would take MSCI World and Nasdaq. I wouldn't focus purely on the USA. Small caps would be a good addition.

Opinions differ on dividend stocks. I would avoid high-dividend stocks at a young age and perhaps add a few dividend growth stocks to the portfolio.
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1 growth (sp500), 1 foundation (dividend quality world), 1 higher risk/reward (nasdaq 100). Nederland look back. 😉
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Up to the 100k all in S&P500 as a distributing variant $VUSA.My recommendation for all beginners is to save 60% $A1JX52 20% $VUSA and 20% $MAIN for 1 year. This will allow you to see how the markets develop and react to problems. Find your way and decide for yourself. My son saves in the S&P. My wife the ACWI and I $MAIN and other BDCs. Leave out Nvida.
Dividend stocks only cost returns at your age. An ETF as a savings plan
A savings plan on FTSE World or ACWI will suffice; perhaps later, when the situation is clearer, a savings plan on an EM ETF.
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