
Hot-running and switched to another value ($HAUTO (-1,12 %) - transaction will follow as soon as the values have been entered correctly at DKB). Thus reduced from 7815 to 6615 shares.

a vendu x1200 à 9,36 €
11 232,00 €
54,20 %
23 Commentaires

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Respect for the portfolio 👍🏼 I would also sell something and set a stop loss if possible - perhaps several at different prices if possible
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@AlterMannI am absolutely overweight and many would call me crazy. However, I also take a very differentiated view of this stock compared to tech stocks and the like. I thought the risk was manageable, but I am also keeping a very close eye on this stock. I am slowly trying to take out the risk and invest in other assets/shares that are also good for the long term - diversification. Appropriate safety mechanisms are in place. 😊

Given my age, my risk appetite can be classified as moderate. 😬
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@Khlmysee That last sentence killed me 🤣🤣
Nah, seriously. The success proves you right and I don't begrudge it to anyone. 👍🏼
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@AlterMann Thank you. I also wish you maximum success. Maybe I'll try my hand at analyzing stocks for the community in the future. Then I'll offer an early insight into my investments. 😊
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53% deposit share in a Norwegian fleet operator with €0.5bn MK! You want to know, don't you? Does your wife know about this? 😅
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@EpiThe solution to the puzzle is hidden above. 😬 It's not "YOLO" invested blindly.
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@Khlmysee I have read that. Objectively, i.e. RiskRewardTechnically, it still remains a pretty risky business. One sudden event and the share is only worth 50% within 5 minutes. I've seen it all before...
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@Epi high risk, high return. For me, I feel it is manageable at first. I'm already taking out risk.
@Epi Yes, that's why I have a broad diversification with many stocks in my portfolio despite the higher maintenance costs.
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I just got in :) After Mutares SE, I wanted to invest in another less well-known company. There are just too many good companies for me at the moment. How do you see the future of Klave?
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@MrMistervery briefly, as I'm about to attend a birthday: they keep technology and route and CO2 optimization very high, have Klaveness Digital software for optimization, will get 3 new ships in 2026, have an optimal financial situation, also due to corporate bonds, which they issue and and and...then they now also have a well-known and wide customer base as well as many other securities. The small fleet size makes it easier for them to scale. Really just a brief outline. I think the overall package could hardly be better. I'll be writing an analysis of the company next week. I am "big in love" ♥️😅
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I became aware of $HAUTO through your posts. I like to invest in the Northern European region, if only because I am dividend-oriented. I took a look at the company and got in at €9.20. At the moment it's up over 20%, so the announced first dividend will eat that up again, but I'll probably buy more. Merci
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@trader64 I'm pleased to hear that. I even added a lot more at € 10.98. With the dividend, I'll be back at €9,... and then part of the dividend will be reinvested directly.
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Hope you bought $HAUTO in time!???
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@GHF own 2586 pcs. and was still in time. 👀
@Khlmysee over €30,000 😵
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@TopperHarleywhat must that must. 😅
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Congrats. I don't think I would dare to do anything like that.
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@hejjay I actively look at IPOs from Scandinavian, European, etc. countries and really scour marketscreener, GuruFocus, seeking alpha and co.
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@Khlmysee 👍 I think that's admirable. I would also do more, but I don't have the sources (and maybe a bit of a mum). Are the three you mentioned enough?
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@hejjay for fundamental data (although I'm not a professional analyst either) or the free version of TradingView.

MarketScreener helps me with "competitor research". Starting from the analyzed value, I am shown other similar/same companies in the corresponding market segment.
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@Khlmysee Thank you. Still really impressive that you go in there.
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@hejjaySometimes healthy "rationality" and a focus on the essentials can help (I would argue). If you turn it into rocket science, then it's easy to get confused. If I understand the idea, recognize a moat and the numbers fit, then I don't need to analyze the decimal places.
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