
So, finally sorted out a lot of small shit and beginner sins.

At 150€ still goes $PG (+2,23 %) (hopefully), at 40€ $DTG (-1,07 %) and at 60€ $TTE (-1,26 %)

The rest remains for now.

But from now on I'm actively investing only in my 4 ETFs ($VWCE (-0,92 %)
$VHYL (-0,58 %)
$ISPA (-0,51 %) and $ZPRG (-0,17 %) ) and look for attractive individual stocks where I think there is some outperformance (e.g. $HUBS (-3,02 %) ).

In addition, I have also read up on how to evaluate shares and companies "best" and would like to invest more time in the topic and finance.

My real message behind this post should therefore be:

Don't be ashamed of your beginner mistakes, just correct them when it fits. 😄

In the long run, everything is in it!

With this in mind: Happy Father's Day to all dads!

Jetez un coup d'œil à mon Tableau de bord maintenant !
20 Commentaires

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The message is good, but maybe we should still chat a little about the remaining rest 🍻
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@Gerit with pleasure. Feedback is always welcome. 😄
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Still too much 🤏💩 inside. Especially with this depot size.
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@Ironman2022 I know that will also come off at the corresponding prices. At Rheinmetall is mMn. still more in it. Bitcoin I hold until after the halving and look at the price afterwards, I think there is still something. I bought Porsche out of conviction and would like to add to it as soon as I have more capital.
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@RobertoNiemalsBlanco I was thinking more of the sector ETFs and duplicates. You can throw them out at any time. One World + EM OR Allword is enough, no investment advice.
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@Ironman2022 yes, the semiconductor will also be removed, but I think there is still room for improvement. the dividend ETFs should remain, as I would like to use them to pay for incidental expenses or food in around 10 years. I will only know afterwards whether this makes sense.
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whoever sells PG has only himself to blame. but ok if you only want to save etf
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@Fetzen is also in the All-World and will not outperform it in my opinion.
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@RobertoNiemalsBlanco following this logic you should also sell the Vanguard high div and the Stoxx 100 etf and only use the All-World ETF. and if you already compare a div stock like PG with ETFs, then rather with such. But as I said, everything is not worth discussing when you save ETFs. It also depends on whether you want to buy a satellite of shares at all. Is not wrong not to do
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@Fetzen This is part of my 3 dividend ETFs for monthly dividends. The All-World is accumulating.
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It's your decision. I would rather think about investing than passive income. Don't know your age though. Or are you really Roberto?😅
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@Ironman2022 haha no I'm not 😄 and I know what you mean. Is something "risky" the plan vllt.
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Why 2 ETFs each for the world and the dividend sector? Why the two sector ETFs with which you will never get off the ground in the long term, since logic alone dictates that one sector will never outperform the others over decades. It is a cyclical investment. But it's not a real return investment, so what are you hoping for?
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@General_T_Regnery the semiconductor ETF is still a leftover beginner's sin, where I hope for a little more performance. the world ETF is the all-world and for dividends I have not two, but three pieces. Namely, one is the high dividend yield. And I have 3 pieces because they pay out (currently and hopefully further) in such a way that I get a dividend every month.
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Ok, thanks I see it now. It's just a world ETF. Why do you say sin, but at the same time hope for a return from your mistake? Have you learned nothing from it in the end and are just telling yourself a positive development regarding your investment behavior? It would be consistent if you see the sector ETF as a sin to treat it as such and to sell it as soon as possible to let your money work better for you. Regarding the dividend ETFs: But what would be the difference if you would receive, for example, instead of 10 times 100 € once 1000 € dividend? It comes down to the same thing. Unless you think you can only handle freely available money poorly and irrationally and then prefer to have your dividends paid out piecemeal out of self-protection...
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@General_T_Regnery on the former: i'm still hoping to get razs at plus/minus zero. 😄 And for the second you hit the nail on the head haha
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Why do you think the three stocks listed that you still want to get rid of are a rookie mistake?
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@renditenbulle Well, what do you mean by "beginner's mistakes"? The real rookie mistakes are already gone. P&G is also in the All-World, so it would be a double and I don't think there will be a big outperformance. I wanted to add to Total, but then decided against it because the "sector" is too volatile for me and I would rather have a broad base. With Daimler Truck, I am unsure how the company will perform in the long term, even if the prospects are currently good.
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@RobertoNiemalsBlanco Daimler Truck I also have in the depot, it's a bit risky but I'm confident and if it would rise at 40€ it would be a good return. At least I would be very satisfied.
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Have my portfolio completely rebuilt and this stock expanded that's ne really great value I mean the place great devices that can only go through the ceiling.
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