
Hello getquin,

Summer is here: at least the weather shows record temperatures in Germany. Was it just as hot on the stock market today?

Europe 🌍:

1. inflation reaches a record level

The inflation target of two percentage points seems to be a thing of the past. For months now, inflation in the euro zone has been reaching record levels, and this month's figure was also exceeded. Inflation rose to 8.6 percent compared to the previous month. It has never been this high since the introduction of the euro in 1999. This is due in particular to the sharp rise in energy prices.

Read more here: bit.ly/3yTdBj0


2. gold: not a safe haven?

Gold has long been considered a possible investment in times of crisis: A safe haven. Although inflation rates continue to rise, the price of gold has been falling in recent weeks. Bets on a falling gold price prevail and pessimistic sentiment is on the rise. However, are some net short positions now possibly laying the groundwork for a future price rise?

Read more here: bit.ly/3AWE6H7

America 🌏:

3rd Apple management in crisis mood

Apple obviously takes a critical view of the coming economic situation. The planning for 2023 has been adjusted: spending growth will be reduced and personnel costs will also be cut. Is the company assuming that the consumer mood will flatten out? Does the management see a more severe crisis than everyone else? In any case, the measures that Apple has now taken dragged down trading on the U.S. stock market yesterday. It remains exciting.

Read more here: bit.ly/3PCblUi

🟥 $AAPL (+0,19 %) (🔽 -3,26%)

Quarterly figures:

ManpowerGroup $MAN (-0,45 %)

EPS: 🟩 $2.32 expected vs $2.29 published; difference: +0.98%.

Sales: 🟥 $5.27 billion expected vs $5.1 billion published; Difference: -0.97%

Stocks of the day:

🟩 TOP $APLS 55.85€ (🔼 +25.31%)

🟥 FLOP $HKD , 14,00 € (🔽 -11,34%)

🟩Most searched$GOOG (-0,57 %) , 109,86 (🔼 +2,28%)

🟥 Most traded $NIO (+2,62 %) , 20,24€ (🔽 -2,88%)

🟥 S&P500, 3,904.63 (🔼 +1.93%)

🟩 DAX, 13,290.74 ( 🔼 +2.55%)

🟩 bitcoin ₿, €22,038.60 (🔼 +1.05%)

Time: 17:00 CEST

Fun Fact of the Day:

Maybe not a Fun Fact, but a Creepy & Disgusting Fact: 94% of banknotes are contaminated with bacteria. In an NYU study, 3,000 species of organisms were found on just 80 $1 bills - including bacteria associated with pneumonia, food poisoning and staph infections.

6 Commentaires

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Am glad that you no longer have to shake hands since Corona 😄
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@Edward think they shine through better in other ways anyway :)
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I'm worried about the contaminated banknotes; I'll probably use my Berkshire Class A for coke from now on.@DonkeyInvestor you should do the same 😂
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Gold often falls at the beginning of crises, as investors sell their gold in order to be liquid and acquire other assets.
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